Corrosion phenomena

Corrosion phenomena and cathodic protection. General information and methods. It is known that metals in general, and therefore metal pipes or pipes equipped with metal armour, in contact with soil or water are transformed by natural tendency into metal oxides or salts. This transformation is caused by an electrochemical phenomenon by which, due to exchanges […]

Cold of hot formed steel sheet piles?

Technical notes on the differences between the two forming technologies SOME ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF THE INEXISTENCE OF SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE DEMONSTRATING THE TECHNICAL SUPERIORITY OF HOT-ROLLED SHEET PILES COMPARED TO COLD-FORMED ONES. 1 – An extensive bibliographic search did not reveal any scientific publication or empirical data, not even from hot sheet pile producers, of […]

Steel pipes and ductile iron pipes – Technical comparison

Advantages in using steel pipes compared to ductile iron pipes for the construction of pipelines for the transport of fluids, including water. Steel is, in every sense, a much more refined material than cast iron.Just think of the technological process which, in part, is common to both materials as the steel derives from the refining […]